May 27, 2015

Dear Friends,

It is with great joy that I send you this letter today. I’ve been traveling four out of the past five weeks to some of the most unreached parts of the world and Jesus has been exhausted and many miracles also took place.  This past week we conducted our most recent Gospel crusade in South Asia where I preached in a city that “was” only 1% Christianity!

This Gospel crusade was in one of the most unreached parts of Asia where Christianity is very unknown and almost unheard of. It’s hard to imagine that most people we drove by or met on our journey had almost no knowledge of Jesus Christ and what He’s done for us. This fuel’s my heart with such passion and desire to go there and share God’s great love and message of salvation for with these people.

On the first night that I was to preach, we were nearly rained out. As I took the microphone that night the rain came pouring down and my congregation parted like the red sea. But, to my amazement, the crowd stayed under the trees and shelter to listen. I told them that if they were willing to sit in the rain and listen to me preach, that I was willing to stand in the rain and preach to them. As a result, we all stayed and God did incredible things. So often as Christians are faced with adversity from all angles and God wants to see if we will press on or if we will shrink back. Well we pressed on that night and as a result hundreds came to Christ in the rain and many miracles took place. One woman came that night with a softball size tumor protruding from her stomach and during the prayer for the sick, God healed her stomach and the tumor completely vanished! She came to the stage weeping with her friend who witnessed it to testify of God’s healing power. Praise God!

The crusade continued for four nights and after the fourth and final night night we had collected 3,050 decision cards for Christ! Praise God! The local churches are now using those decision cards, which contain the contact information for each new believer, to follow up with them and make sure they get Bibles and become true disciples of Christ! You can view a video of the altar call from the final night by going HERE!

Our next Gospel Crusades are in August and September of this year in two more countries in South Asia and we need your help to do these crusades. Would you consider helping us by giving a one-time gift of any amount or by becoming a monthly supporter? We need to raise $15,000 for these two crusades, but your gift of any amount will help us in a huge way! Together we can see the Gospel preached in the most remote parts of the world and thousands of people come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Thank you for standing with us as we preach the Gospel around the world!

Together in the harvest,

Evangelist Chris Mikkelson

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