May 27, 2015

Hello Friends,

Greetings from South Asia. Due to security reasons, I’m not able to disclose the city or the country that I’m in until after I return to the states. For the past few days, I’ve been ministering in a very remote part of South Asia. In fact, the closest airport to this city is four hours away by car through the mountains. Many of you might remember that I did a small Gospel Campaign here last year and 4,500 people made decisions for Jesus and completed the follow-up material.

Since that time, the churches have been busy following up with the new converts and are busy making disciples. The pastors told me yesterday that all of the churches in this city, of which there are hundreds, have at least 10-20 new believers in their churches since the Campaign and one church has grown so much that they don’t have room for anyone else to attend their Sunday services! They’re actually asking people to go to one of the other nearby churches on Sundays to receive prayer and discipleship. Praise God! I’ve never seen such unity among churches in my entire life. God is really doing something special here and the pastors want me to come back and do another Gospel Campaign in several other remote cities in the region.

This morning I left very early to travel to a remote church in the middle of the jungle, which is surrounded by militant groups.  Most people would not dare to travel to this village due to danger from the militants.  In fact, in the past 3 days the militants have shot 2 people and kidnapped another for ransom money, but we know Jesus is with us and He desires these people to be saved.  After praying about it, we decided to go and God did mighty things in this little village church.  The church did an outreach to the surrounding area and invited everyone to hear me preach the Gospel.  As a result, the church was so full they had to open the back doors to seat the overflow.  I preached a crystal clear Gospel message and 25 people came to Christ in this small village church!  Many people where healed as well after we prayed for them!

In the last three days, we’ve been able to train up hundreds of local Pastors and church leaders during the training conferences (see pictures below). God has moved in power each day as we’ve prayed and ministered to them. Many of these pastors are preaching the Gospel in remote jungles nearby and are reaching the militant groups who live in those jungles with the Gospel.  Tonight I preached on the Power of the Holy Spirit and prayed for them to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and hundreds received!  See the video HERE.

Thank you again for all your prayers and financial support. I couldn’t do this without people like you who believe in what we’re doing and have a heart to see the Gospel preached in the most unreached parts of the world.

Together in the Harvest,

Evangelist Chris Mikkelson

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