Dear Ministry Partners,
Tonight was the first night of our Gospel Crusade here in South Asia and it was a night full of miracles! Tonight I preached a simple message on the power of salvation through Jesus Christ and did an altar call for salvation. Hundreds of people came forward to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior for the very first time! Praise God! This is the greatest miracle of all!
After I prayed for everyone to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior, I did a short teaching on the power of the name of Jesus. Then, I prayed for the sick and God moved over the crusade field in power. There were so many miracles, I can’t even remember all of them! Here are just a few of the testimonies that I do remember along with a video testimony (WATCH THE VIDEO TESTIMONY BELOW) of a man who received healing in his ear after being deaf for twenty years!
- A woman was healed tonight who couldn’t walk properly for several years. Tonight she walked back and forth on the stage, completely under her own power and control.
- A young man came up and said his shoulder was healed and all the pain left his shoulder. He demonstrated his healing by doing several push-ups on stage!
- Two women were healed from demonic oppression.
- A young boy’s broken arm was healed and his dad came to testify of the miracle.
- And the list goes on and on…
Thank you for your continued prayer support over our ministry. Please continue to pray for the Gospel to go forward in the power of the Holy Spirit!
God bless you,