Dear Ministry Partners,
Last night was the final night of our Gospel Crusade here in South Asia and thousands were in attendance (See pictures below)! The forecast was showing a 90% chance of rain all day but the Lord held the rain back so the service could continue and the Gospel could be preached. It rained hard towards the end of service, but the gospel was able to go forward. At the end of the service, I prayed for the people to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and many people were filled with the Holy Spirit. I also prayed for the sick and many were healed and many demons were cast out.
On Saturday, I ministered at a prayer gathering where the people were praying for the salvation of the nation and I ministered on the harvest and the Great Commission. At the end of the service, I felt in my heart that I needed to make an altar call for salvation. To my amazement, 10 people came forward to receive salvation for the very first time! Praise God! I also got to preach at 3 services Sunday morning and many more people made decisions to follow Christ.
This weekend I’ll be preaching in Houston at Praise Chapel (for more information about the service, CLICK HERE) and in just 3 weeks, I’ll be leaving for my next Gospel Campaign in South Asia.
I’m just about to get on a flight for 15 hours to New York and I’ll be adding more photos to Facebook this week. Thank you for praying for us and standing with us! Together we will see the multitudes come to Christ!
In His service,
Evangelist Chris Mikkelson