Dear Missions Partners,
It’s hard to express the joy that I have right now over what the Lord has done tonight in South Asia! Hundreds of people received Jesus as their Lord and Savior and many miracles took place including a thirteen-year-old boy who was healed of paralysis and walked for the very first time!
Tonight was the first night of our Gospel crusade here in South Asia, in a very remote and unreached part of the world. I apologize for not being able to disclose the exact location of the crusade, but this is a precautionary measure we must take for security purposes.
This is a very special crusade, because the region we’re in is 0% Christianity… until now. Hundreds were in attendance tonight and our tent was filled to standing room capacity. As I made the altar call for salvation, the response was overwhelming. The majority of the crowd responded to the Gospel and came forward to make Jesus Christ their personal Lord and Savior! We also saw several amazing miracles, including one thirteen-year-old boy, who was paralyzed from birth and was completely healed and walked for the very first time (see pics below). The smile on his face and the tears of joy on his mother’s cheeks said it all. I’ve never seen anything like it! Jesus is the Savior and healer and He’s the same yesterday, today and forever. All glory belongs to Jesus!
Please continue to stand with us in prayer for this crusade. The last night is on Saturday night and on Sunday morning we will plant the first church church (Assembly of God) in this region. We will introducing all the new believers to their pastor and the team that will assist the pastor in the discipleship process.
Thank you for standing with us and sending us to the nations with the Good News of Jesus Christ!
Together in the harvest,
Evangelist Chris Mikkelson