Dear Ministry Partners,
Tonight was another amazing night here in South Asia! Thousands responded to the Gospel giving their hearts to Jesus Christ and we had over a dozen people come forward to testify that Jesus Christ had healed their physical bodies as well. Praise God!
I was told that several years ago, the place we are in was a very hard place to minister. In fact, just a few years ago, many of the local preachers were advised not to do a crusade in this city, but God has opened an amazing door for us to preach the Gospel here. In fact, the government granted us the permit for the crusade much sooner than anticipated and they are also providing local security for us as well. Praise God!
Tomorrow morning is the final day for the Fire Conference and we’re expecting another incredible night tomorrow night at the crusade. Thank you so much for laboring together with us in the harvest with your prayers and financial support! We couldn’t do it without our faithful partners like you. Please continue to pray for us!
Thank you and God bless you,
Evangelist Chris Mikkelson and team