October 25, 2016

Dear Missions Partners,

We are only two weeks away from our final Gospel crusade of the year and we need your help! As you know these Gospel crusades can be very expensive and very fruitful at the same time. Our last crusade in Asia resulted in over 28,000 people surrendering their lives to Jesus Christ! To God be all the Glory! The cost for that campaign was $25,000. That is only $0.89 (89 cents) for each person to come to Christ and we’re believing for similar results at our next crusade in just two weeks.

The crusade ground and the building for the pastor’s conference have been rented (see pics below) and are being prepared for the people as we speak. More than 100 pastors have come together to pray for the crusade and promote it in their villages. News of the crusade is spreading around the villages and excitement is building! But, most people in this region are very poor and in order to bring them to the crusade each night, we need to rent vehicles and drivers to bring them.

As a result, we’re still in need of just over $8,000 to rent the vehicles and make the final preparations for the crusade. Would you prayerfully consider sowing a financial seed into this harvest? Even a gift of $50, $100, $500 or more will make a big difference. Or, perhaps you or someone you know would consider sowing a much larger seed.

Every dollar given could result in one person coming to faith in Jesus Christ. That means if you give $50, you could potentially bring 50 people to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and so on. You’re financial partnership in this crusade will make an eternal difference in the lives of so many!

Please prayerfully consider partnering with us to reach the unreached in South Asia for Jesus Christ. Thank you for your prayers and your financial support. We love you and we pray God’s blessing over you and your family!

Together in the harvest,

Chris and Amanda Mikkelson and Team


Pre-crusade Pastor’s Gathering
Crusade Ground Pic 1
Crusade Ground Pic 2
Pastor’s Conference Venue
Pre-crusade Pastor’s Gathering
Pre-crusade Pastor’s Gathering

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