Dear Ministry Friend,
Tonight was the final day here in South Asia and we had a wonderful day. This morning I spoke at a local Baptist church which is the largest church (150 members) in the area and it’s one of the main churches partnering with us on this crusade. Their associate pastors and evangelists attended our pastors conference this week and the associate pastor told me how God has changed his life by hearing my message on the baptism of the Holy Spirit at the Pastors Conference. He said he received the Holy Spirit and is wanting me to send him more information on the subject.
One of the local pastors told us today that this region is actually more unreached than we previously suspected because we’re in such an extremely remote part of this country. He said this area is about 0.7% Christian and there has never been a public Gospel meeting in this area. Tonight at the crusade, the president of the city (who gave us the permits for the crusade grounds) attended the crusade and thanked us for coming. Although he’s not a Christian, he said he really respects Jesus and is happy we could come tell stories about Jesus Christ and his great love for the world.
Each night of the crusade this week, we could hear chanting from one of the local temples off in the distance. They were trying to reach one of their gods by doing repetitive chanting for hours, but tonight it was Jesus who showed up in healing and saving power! Hundreds and hundreds of people came forward again tonight to surrender their lives to Jesus Christ, then after the altar call for salvation, we prayed for everyone to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and God started filling people and healings took place as well.
One notable miracle testimony we heard tonight was from a man who attended the crusade on the very first night. He said he was a chain smoker for many years and somehow it caused a severe nerve problem in his left leg that caused excruciating pain for the past 7 years. Four years ago, he had surgery on his leg to fix the pain, but the doctors couldn’t heal him and the doctors bill equated to three and a half years of wages, yet there was no relief of the pain. Four nights ago on Thursday night, he came to the crusade and said Jesus healed him when I prayed for him and he hasn’t had pain since. Praise God! You can watch my interview with this man in the video below along with my final update video from this crusade.We are rejoicing in what the Lord has done in this unreached area of South Asia. Tomorrow morning we start our 36 hour journey home. Please pray for safe travel and no flight delays. :-)Thanks again for standing with us as we bring the Gospel to the most unreached parts of the world. God bless you!
Together in the harvest,
Evangelist Chris and Amanda Mikkelson