November 18, 2016

Dear Friends, 

It is with great joy I send you this email.  I just returned from an undisclosed country in South Asia where we conducted our final Gospel crusade of 2016 and we saw over 5,500 people make a decision to follow Jesus Christ!  Praise God!  Please pray for the follow-up, as now the more than 100 pastors who participated with this campaign, will begin to disciple all the new believers.

The Bible says that there is joy in heaven over just one person who repents or turns to Jesus.  It’s safe to say the heavens are having a party today because of what the Lord has done in this very remote and unreached country and we couldn’t have done it without you – our faithful partners.

Jesus said in John 4:36 “…he who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal life, that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together.”  Together we have labored in the harvest field and together we can rejoice over all those precious people who have entered into eternal life by the free gift they have received from Jesus Christ.

In January we head back to another country in South Asia where we will be in a small, unreached village in the mountains of Sri Lanka for our next Gospel crusade.  Please continue to pray for us as we make the final preparations for this crusade.

Also, Tuesday, November 29th is “Giving Tuesday”, a global day of giving geared toward non-profits and ministries like ours and we have a very special video from South Asia that we will be sending out.  Please keep a look out for the video on Giving Tuesday and please consider partnering with us on Giving Tuesday.

Thanks again for partnering with us in the harvest!  We love you and pray God’s blessing over you and your family as we celebrate Thanksgiving next week.

God bless you,
Evangelist Chris Mikkelson and Amanda Mikkelson and the Harvest Team





Watch my crusade update from the last night of the crusade below:

Video update youtube





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