Tonight was our second night of ministry here in South Asia. Since this country is potentially very dangerous, we’re only doing two large open air services this week. One was last night and our main Gospel Campaign will take place tomorrow night and we’re expecting thousands to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior again tomorrow night!
Tonight we went to a small area on the outside of town where a couple of pastors have been laboring in a very unreached community the past couple of years. They invited us to come and minister in a small setting to help reach their community with the Gospel. As a result, hundreds received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior tonight in this very unreached area. Praise God! On Saturday night, we will go to another area like this to help another small community come to faith in Jesus Christ.
Also tonight, we had many people come forward again testifying of how they were healed during the prayer for the sick and we give God all the glory for saving souls and healing broken bodies. Thank you Jesus.
Please continue to pray for our Gospel Campaign tomorrow night and thank you so much for standing with us in the harvest! We’re so thankful for you!
Together in the harvest,
Evangelist Chris and Amanda Mikkelson