November 2, 2017

Dear Friends,

Tonight was the first night of our Gospel crusade here in South Asia.  We are in a different country from the one we were in at our last month’s campaign.  Due to the sensitivity of this country, I can’t share where we are at online or by email.  We’re in a country that has become extremely difficult to do Gospel crusades in. In fact, just last week a very well known pastor/evangelist came to this country and was kicked out the second day he was here, due to a radical group’s protesting of him.  I thank God, He has hidden us from the eyes of the enemy and we’re moving forward with this crusade in a mighty way.

Since this country has become so sensitive to do crusades in, we’re focusing on smaller cities that have never been reached with the Gospel.  The city we’re in this week is very remote and has never had a Gospel crusade until tonight, where we saw thousands come to hear the Gospel, many for the very first time.  The local pastors were beaming with joy as they watched thousands from their community gather to hear the Gospel tonight for the first time.  And the amazing thing is that tonight is only the first night — I anticipate the crowd will only grow more and more each night this week to it’s climax on Sunday night.  

We’re seeing a rich hunger for God in this city like I’ve not seen in many other places.  Tonight I preached a crystal clear message of salvation and when I made the altar call for salvation, the people started crying out to Jesus before I ever prayed for them.  It was a holy moment as God started moving across the field as hundreds repented and received salvation.

After the prayer for salvation, I prayed for the sick and Jesus did what He always does — heals the sick, casts out demons and sets the captives free!  One woman came forward and explained how there had been a darkness over her for the majority of her life and tonight when I prayed, the darkness left her and the peace of God came into her life for the first time!  Praise God!

We also had a couple of women who couldn’t walk without major pain in their legs for years who where healed tonight.  A man who was carried to the meeting tonight, due to paralysis in his legs, was healed and started walking for the first time in two years and a woman with major back pain for years was made completely well tonight in the name of Jesus!  We give God all the glory for what He’s doing here in this city.  

Please continue to pray for the powers of darkness to be broken by the power of the Gospel and the name of Jesus Christ and for many thousands to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus this week.  I’ll be sending out another update tomorrow night, so stay tuned.

God bless you!

Together in the harvest,
Evangelist Chris and Amanda Mikkelson





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