Dear Ministry Partner,
Wow! What a night we had at our gospel crusade near the Middle East! I’m told this is by far the largest crusade that has ever been conducted in this city and the largest gathering of people in this cities history! Praise God!
I just got back to the hotel and I’m overjoyed at what the Lord did tonight. I don’t know that I’ve ever felt more in tune with the Holy Spirit at a crusade than I did tonight. God moved in a powerful way and I felt as though the crowd was hanging onto every word I said. No doubt, most of these people heard the gospel tonight for the very first time.
I preached a message on the Image of God and how the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy but Jesus came to give life and life more abundantly (John 10:10). I used a hammer to illustrate how the enemy comes to destroy you with sin and worldliness, but Jesus came at Calvary to intercept that hammer and to set the captives free. The people were locked into every word of my message. (You can listen to the message on Facebook HERE).
When I made the call for salvation, it had to be the largest percentage of a crowd I’ve ever seen stand to their feet at one of our crusades. I could only see a few small pockets of people who didn’t stand and I assume that’s because I said, “if you’re already a Christian, don’t stand”. It was joyous to watch. The Bible tells us that all of heaven rejoices over just one sinner that comes to repentance. I can tell you tonight, all of heaven is having a party right now! Hallelujah!
After the prayer for salvation, I prayed for the sick and Jesus did some amazing miracles. One notable miracle was of a father who brought his young boy who had a constant bloody nose for the past 4 months straight. Actually I could see dried blood on his nose and face where it had been bleeding earlier tonight. The father said tonight when we prayed, Jesus healed him and his nose has stopped bleeding for the first time in over 4 months. Praise God!
Here are some other notable healing testimonies from tonights service:
- A young woman suffered from severe pain and when she came to the meeting, she couldn’t even sit. During prayer for healing, the pain left. She had this pain for 5 days.
- A young man had a heart problem. The doctor said his heart was failing and it was in constant pain for 2 years. During prayer for the sick, all of the pain in his heart left.
- A woman was in an auto accident that caused her right shoulder and leg to be broken. She was in constant pain. After the prayer for the sick, all the pain left and she regained full mobility in her shoulder.
- A small child had a constant nose bleed for 4 months straight! It would bleed continuously. During the prayer for the sick, the bleeding completely stopped. You could still see the dried blood on his nose.
- A woman was having pain in her stomach for 2-3 days and during the prayer for the sick, all the pain left.
- A woman had severe pain in her leg. She had to get an injection in her leg because the pain was so bad she couldn’t walk. Now the pain is gone after the prayer for the sick!
- A woman was in severe pain for 10 years in her back. It was difficult to stand even. When Evangelist Chris said to ‘stand on your feet’, she said it was very difficult in the past. But, by faith she stood up. When she stood up, she felt something stretch in her back and all the pain completely left.
- A young woman had pain in the discs of her back for the last 1 1/2 months and the doctor said not to move anymore. After the prayer for the sick, she was totally healed.Sunday I’ll be preaching at one of the local churches here and we’ll be baptizing hundreds of new believers in my friends new church. Please pray for God to continue to use us here to see souls saved, disciples made and Jesus glorified in all we do.Finally, I want to dedicate this crusade to my late mom, Virginia Mikkelson. She passed away two weeks ago at the age of 74 from health issues she’d been dealing with the last couple of years. She was an amazing woman of God who believed in me when many others didn’t. She prayed me into the kingdom of God when I was lost. She and my dad Gary were our first partners in the ministry and I owe so much. I know she’s with Jesus, rejoicing tonight over all the souls that were added to the Kingdom and she probably saw their names being written in the Lambs Book of Life tonight. I love her dearly.Thank you so much for praying for us and partnering with us financially in the harvest! Together we’re destroying hell’s agenda on earth and establishing God’s Kingdom forever.
God bless you,
Evangelists Chris and Amanda Mikkelson