Hi Friend,
This is the day that the Lord has made, let’s rejoice and be glad in it! We trust that you are all healthy and happy, and we are praying for God to richly bless your day.
Last week on the LIVE broadcast we were honored to have Evangelist Levi Lutz on the program, as we discussed the topic, “Boldly Stepping Into Your Calling”. I wanted to take some of the points from our episode and encourage you as you prepare to face the day ahead.
When we are born again, Jesus Himself calls us to partner with Him in His plan for our lives to build and advance His kingdom here on earth. That will look differently for each of us, according to the giftings, abilities and anointing’s that He places on our lives individually. As we continue to faithfully spend time alone with the Lord, He will show us clearly what we are called to do!
In Mark 16:15 Jesus said, “GO into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” In Matthew 28:18 Jesus said, “GO therefore and make disciples of all nations.” The first thing we need to do is just “go!” We cannot wait until we have all of the details figured out before we begin to move forward with our mission. Many of the details and specifics will become clearer as our feet begin to move.
Jesus gave the above-mentioned commissions to the twelve disciples, and once they were all filled with the Holy Spirit in Acts 2:1-4, Peter boldly stepped into his calling by walking out of that upper room and opening his mouth to preach the gospel! I’m sure that Peter did not have a degree in open air preaching, but as he stepped out by faith and a supernatural grace came upon him to preach! I’m also sure that Peter had to fight through fear, doubt and worry BY FAITH, trusting that Jesus would not have commanded him to do something that He would not empower and anoint him to do.
Like Peter, all you need to do today is simply HEAR AND OBEY what Jesus speaks to your heart – every small step of the way – and I believe that God will use you mightily, in Jesus name!
Please join me today at 11am Eastern Time for another LIVE episode of Salvation Today TV. You can join us LIVE on Facebook HERE or on YouTube HERE. We hope to see you there.
God bless you,
Evangelists Chris and Amanda Mikkelson
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