Hi Friend,
I hope and trust this email finds you blessed!
Last week on the LIVE broadcast we discussed the topic, “How To Receive Your Breakthrough.” I wanted to take some of the points from our episode and encourage you today with this small devotional.
Are there areas in your life that you’re believing to breakthrough into the next level? Personally, instead of plateauing, I’m always looking to move forward and upward in both my ministry and my personal life. Maybe you’re believing for a breakthrough in your ministry, in your health, in your relationships, in your finances, or at your work: Well, I’m believing with you for whatever area of breakthrough you’re praying for in Jesus Name!
In the Gospel of Mark we read the accounts of both Jairus, and the woman with the issue of blood. (Mark 5:21-43) These two people came to Jesus with great needs, and were desperate for a touch of God in their situation!
Jairus came to the Lord imploring Him to come and heal his daughter who was at the point of death, and just as He had Jesus’ attention another person interrupted his conversation, by touching the Lord’s garment. This woman herself had to press through the crowd to get her healing, and she received it! While Jesus was still ministering to this woman, Jairus got news that his own daughter had died. When Jesus heard that report, He quickly said “do not fear, only believe” and He went to Jairus’ house and raised his daughter from the dead!
I want to give you a few keys to help you receive your breakthrough from this passage. Firstly, you need to KEEP YOUR EYES ON JESUS. When Jairus was interrupted he could’ve easily been distracted and turned his focus to this woman, but he kept His eyes on Jesus! Secondly, sometimes you’re going to need to PRESS THROUGH THE CROWD. Both Jairus and this woman with the issue of blood had to somehow get to Jesus and for both of them it took a desperate act! Thirdly, DON’T LET DISAPPOINTMENT TAKE OVER. When Jairus got the news that his daughter had died he could’ve given up! Lastly, when hope seems lost DO NOT FEAR, ONLY BELIEVE!
No matter what your need is, no matter what you’re believing God for, no matter how big of a breakthrough you need in your life, I encourage you to have faith in God! Keep your eyes on Jesus, press through whatever is in between you and Him, don’t let disappointment keep you from your answer, and no matter what news you hear, make up your mind to only believe! We serve a God who makes all things possible! Today I’m joining my faith and prayers with you for your breakthrough in Jesus Name!
Please join me today at 11 am Eastern Time for another LIVE episode of Salvation Today TV. You can join us LIVE on Facebook HERE or on Youtube HERE. We hope to see you there.
Evangelists Chris and Amanda Mikkelson
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