Hi Friend,
This is the day that the Lord has made, let’s rejoice and be glad in it! We trust that you are all healthy and happy, and we are praying for God to richly bless your day.
Last week on our live broadcast we talked from the topic, “How to Be an Evangelist.” As an Evangelist, this is obviously something I’m very passionate about and I wanted to take some of the points from our episode and encourage you as you prepare to face the day ahead.
First of all, I want to say to every single one of you reading, that this devotional is not JUST for the “evangelists” because according to the Word of God, we are ALL called to evangelism! At the end of a person’s life, their last words are often of great importance, and in all four gospel accounts we read that Jesus emphasized the “Great Commission” as His last and final charge to all of His followers. Jesus was not giving a great suggestion to us who feel evangelistically inclined, He COMMISSIONED all of us with the GO of the gospel! And I have good news for you, if it’s a “co-mission”, that means we don’t have to do it alone – He will be with us “co-labouring” in it!
After Jesus’ death, burial, resurrection and ascension – before Rome adopted Christian ideologies – for the first 300 years, the Early Church spread like wildfire, and church history shows us that most of that “church growth” happened through personal witness and evangelism! I believe in the hour of history we’re living in, with all that’s going on in the world, we all need to be witnesses in order to bring in a great harvest of souls!
You may be reading and wondering, “Chris, I don’t feel called to full time ministry… How can I be an evangelist? Can God still use me as an evangelist?” Let’s take a look at two examples from the Word of God that we touched on during last week’s live broadcast.
First, let’s look at the account of the deliverance of the demoniac in Mark 5:1-18. In this text we read of a man who was possessed by an entire legion of demons. Jesus came to this man and told the demon’s “come out of the man”, and he was completely set free! He later came to Jesus and asked to be one of his disciples and this is what Jesus told him, “Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He has had compassion on you. (5:19).” Next we read that the man “departed and began to proclaim in Decapolis all that the Lord had done for him.” This man was not called as a “five fold” evangelist, but God used him as an evangelist! If you have a testimony, if the Lord has changed your life… Go to your friends and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you! That is one way – like this man – that YOU can be an evangelist!
Secondly we looked at the story of the Samaritan woman at the well found in John 4:1-41. This woman encountered Jesus, and had a life changing experience when Jesus prophetically told her of her past through a Word of Knowledge. When she realized that this man must be the Messiah, we read how that woman left her waterpot at the well and went back to her city saying, “Come see a man who told me all things I ever did… Could this be the Messiah?” Because of that woman’s testimony and invitation we later read that “many of the Samaritans in that city believed in Him because of the word of the woman that testified” (4:39).
Like the man in Mark Chapter 5, this woman was not called as a “five fold” evangelist. She was an ordinary woman, who had an encounter with Jesus that simply shared her experience with the Son of God to those around her. My friends, this is what being a witness looks like! Just like this Samaritan woman did, you also can “go and tell others, to come and see!”
I want to encourage you today to go tell others to come and see what the Lord has done for you. Maybe you can tell your co-workers today how Jesus has changed your life. Or maybe you can tell a friend who is struggling in life, how Jesus got you through a difficult time in life. Perhaps, you’ll run into a complete stranger today or later this week, tell them how Jesus loves them and has a plan for their life and share the gospel with them. God wants to use you and He will use you if you just give him the opportunity. Amen.
Towards the end of last week’s broadcast, I also gave 6 KEY POINTS to those who feel like God may be calling them to be in full time ministry as an evangelist. If that’s you, I want to encourage you to watch the entire episode HERE.
Please join me today at 11 am Eastern Time for another LIVE episode of Salvation Today TV. You can join us LIVE on Facebook HERE or on Youtube HERE at 11am EST. We hope to see you there.
God Bless You!
Evangelist Chris and Amanda Mikkelson
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