Hi Friend,
I pray you’re doing great!
Last week on my live broadcast – Salvation Today – I shared on, “Stories of the Supernatural.” As we start our day, let’s take a few moments to draw a few thoughts taken from last week’s episode.
Sometimes in our walk with the Lord, we can become familiar with the things of God and forget that everything we believe in Christianity is supernatural. The fact that we’ve been created by God is supernatural! Everything about our salvation is supernatural, and it’s important for us not to lose the awe of it all. We should all daily be fascinated with the love, power and glory of Jesus Christ. Today I want to remind you that we serve a living God, who is alive and active in your daily life – my friend that is supernatural!
From the moment I got born again, I’ve lived a supernatural life! My life has been filled with experiences that are out of this world, that all point to the reality of God in my life. The normal Christian life is to be filled with supernatural encounters, healings, deliverances, provisions, revelations, divine guidance and divine favor! This is all part of our new life in the Kingdom of God and these experiences are to happen NATURALLY – hence the word “super-natural”.
The Word of God is a supernatural Book, and the entire Bible is filled with true stories full of supernatural occurrences! From the creation of the universe, earth and man, to the deliverance of Israel from Egypt, to the encounters that the kings, judges and prophets had, to the virgin birth of the Son of God, to the Ministry of Jesus, to the coming of the Holy Spirit – it’s all supernatural. As Jesus was leaving the earth in Mark 16:17-18, He said, “These signs will follow them that believe; In My name they will cast out devils; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover! Friend, this is “the normal Christian life”, and it’s all available to you!
This morning if you have sickness in your body, believe God for a supernatural healing and deliverance! If you’re in desperate need, believe God for supernatural provision and supply! If you want to be filled with the Spirit and speak in new tongues, believe God for a supernatural infilling and a heavenly language! God loves you so much, He is both able AND willing, and if you can believe, Jesus said, no-thing is impossible for them that believe! (Mark 9:23) I pray that whatever you’re in need of and believe for today, heaven will invade the earth and God will stretch His all powerful hand and meet it, supernaturally!
Last week I shared a number of very powerful testimonies and stories of the supernatural, and if you missed the episode you can watch it HERE.
Please join me today at 10:30 am Eastern Time for another LIVE episode of Salvation Today TV with our very special guest, Pastor Ben Lim. You can join us LIVE on Facebook HERE or on Youtube HERE. We hope to see you there.
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