Dear Partner,
Last week was probably the most dangerous and exciting crusade we’ve ever conducted and I’m in awe of what the Lord did!
Over 60,000 decisions for Christ and countless miracles, including one boy crippled from birth who started walking for the first time. Praise God!!! All of this happened in the midst of nation wide protests, shootings and one assassination attempt of the ex-prime minister of Pakistan.
Amanda and I are home safe and sound, but it was a very crazy trip to put it lightly. There really aren’t strong enough words in the English language to describe what the last crusade was like. All I can say is that it was crazy and amazing all at the same time. If you didn’t get my last two emails about the crusade, you can read them HERE and HERE. To summarize – the ex-prime minister of Pakistan was protesting all week leading up to our crusade because he feels he was wrongly kicked out of office and he thinks the USA was behind it. Since we’re US citizens you can imagine how dangerous it was for us to be there.
Not only was he protesting all week, on Thursday, the day before our big crusade, he was shot several times in the legs at his protest in an assassination attempt and he survived. Thankfully his party decided not to retaliate right away, the next day on Friday (the day of our crusade). Many of his followers did take to the streets that day in protest and many demonstrators shot opposition members and shot at police officers just a few miles from our hotel. All of this happened on the day of our crusade, but miraculously we were still able to do the crusade and tens of thousands showed up to hear the gospel and to receive their miracle.
I’ve said it before, but many people ask me why we would go to such a dangerous place to preach the gospel and the short answer is that the Lord told us to. The longer answer is that this nation is ripe for the harvest as never before, more ripe than most other nations on the planet and Jesus said that He wouldn’t return until “this gospel of the Kingdom has been preached in all the world, then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14). I realize the gospel has probably been preached in every country, but I believe the only reason Jesus hasn’t come back yet, is because there are still people He wants us to preach the gospel to and Pakistan is ripe for the harvest. God’s heart is for all to have a chance to hear his wonderful gospel and what He has done for us to be saved.
In the midst of incredible protest, shootings and an assassination attempt, 62,120 people received Jesus as their Lord and Savior! Praise God! Not only that, but had we decided not to do this crusade, one crippled boy who was crippled in both legs would not have started walking in Jesus’ name. My team is heading to his parents house tomorrow to interview him and his parents to hear their full story and I can’t wait to share it with all of you.
Thank you so much for sending us to the unreached nations like Pakistan to preach the gospel. In March of 2023 we will go back once the weather gets warm again and we will conduct the largest crusade in our ministry’s history. We’re believing God for over half a million to be in attendance and hundreds of thousands to be saved.
To help us continue to preach the gospel around the world and to sow into these crusades, click the Donate button below and sow a seed into the harvest today. Every gift of any amount helps us make these crusades possible.
Thank you in advance for your generosity. I pray God richly blesses you in return.
God bless you!
Chris and Amanda Mikkelson and Team
Mailing a check? Make it payable to CMEM and
mail it to PO Box 771102 Orlando, FL 32877
We’re believing for 1 million people to come to Christ per year and have called it Vision-A-Million! The Lord is raising up an army of monthly partners that will help us to see this vision fulfilled! If you want to partner with us at $25/month or more and fill these partner spots to see people come to Christ and see Vision-A-Million fulfilled, partner with us today. We need all hands on deck! It’s harvest time!

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